
I’m a newbie to Wellness Warriors, 2021 being my first season. I learned the hard way that cancer can rob not only your health but also your marriage, relationships, employment, financial stability and in my case my sight. I have Multiple Myeloma, I will always have it. It can run chronic or acute. Like a Banshee is hiding in me waiting to scream out pending doom.


But as they say “what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.” I sailed with a blind/visually impaired group for several years and enjoyed it, however I was still missing something. That something was people who understand chemo brain, who understand when you can’t get your body to move the way you want it to, who just “get it.”


Ready to race! [Christina, front right; dragon boat scrimmage with Boston dragon boat teams]

I stumbled across Wellness Warriors Dragon Boating while looking for something else. I however didn’t know what that something else was. I believe that there is a time to just sit and wait and the universe will put you where you need to be. I did that and now I know that I’m where I should be.


I had never set foot on a dragon boat in my life. I am almost totally blind but WW didn’t care. I was accepted with open arms. I felt like a new person for about 20 minutes. The men and women just “get It.”


There is a flower ceremony at the end of a season in remembrance of those who have lost their battle and for those who fight on. I can’t see what happens but I can imagine flowers being tossed from different parts of our boat. I imagine the current taking those single flowers and bringing them together and those now joined flowers riding the current as one strong beautiful bouquet. We are heading forward and we do it together.