Racing Boats


When it comes time to race, Wellness Warriors has three racing boats. All dragon boat paddlers, whether they practice more or less intensely, whether they race or not, and regardless on which boat they race, are all part of the same floating support group. We are all Wellness Warriors!


2017 Hartford
Wellness Warriors dragon boat club’s mission is to provide new opportunities for cancer survivors to heal – both physically and emotionally – by being active participants in their own recovery and part of a mutually empowering dragon boat team.


2017 Hartford Coach Chrissy

Three Racing Boats
The first few weeks of practice will include drills designed to help the coaches review each paddler individually in a number of seat positions. Video tape may be used in the first two weeks for coaches to evaluate on-water strengths of each paddler, and again throughout the season.


Coaches will recommend which racing boat is appropriate for any given paddler using a mix of criteria including skill, endurance, and team attitude. If a paddler wishes to be in a more intensive race boat than the coaches choose, the coaches will institute a growth plan to help achieve that goal. On the other hand, any paddler can always choose to be in a less intensive race boat.


Race boat rosters will be revisited for each race event.



This WW team of all cancer survivors contains survivor athletes who, as part of their cancer recovery, commit to progressive improvement in their physical and mental strength. Participation requires commitment to consistent physical training on and off the water to improve paddling technique for the overall benefit of the team, and the physical and mental stamina for strenuous practices. A strong team ethic and personal responsibility are mandatory. Thunder is our most competitive boat.



  1. Demonstrate commitment to overall off-season fitness (participated in WW winter training program or can show participation in own program)
  2. Meets coaches’ criteria for inclusion (skill, endurance, team attitude)
  3. Demonstrate commitment to participate in warm up and cool down exercise programs as part of practice and in self-care strengthening to limit injuries
  4. Demonstrate commitment to practice (on average attends 2 out of 3 practices/week)
  5. Must participate in a minimum of 4 out of 6 available practices prior to a race



This WW team includes cancer survivors committed to active recovery while participating in a fun team sport. Participation requires commitment to improve paddling technique, strength, and stamina for personal growth and the overall benefit of the team.



  1. Demonstrate commitment to participate in warm up and cool down exercise programs as part of practice and in self-care strengthening to limit injuries
  2. Must participate in a minimum of 3 out of 6 available practices prior to a race


FIRE BOAT (ACP/Supporters)

This WW team has both cancer survivors and co-survivors who work together in active recovery. Participation requires commitment to improve paddling technique, strength, and stamina for personal growth and the overall benefit of the team.



  1. Demonstrate commitment to participate in warm up and cool down exercise programs as part of practice and in self-care strengthening to limit injuries
  2. Must participate in a minimum of 3 out of 6 available practices prior to a race