Weekly Wednesday Warrior Workouts



Join me [Chrissy] every Wednesday evening at 8pm (previously 7pm) for workout and wine! Dejan has helped us set up an online meeting using Webex. Join us and let’s move our socially isolated bodies!


What to bring: Needs will vary by session, but having small dumbbells (or canned goods) on hand would be good, and a yoga mat for floor work. However, if you don’t have any of these, still attend! Pets are optional, but are fun to meet.


Download App No downloads or apps required, unless joining by phone, but the Webex Meetings app does make it easier to see who else is online. You only need to download the app once.


When it’s time, join your Webex meeting here. Join Meeting


  • Follow the prompts to either “join from our browser” or download the app if you haven’t already done so.
  • Make sure your mic and camera are turned on for full participation.
  • Join the meeting early for tech support (opens at 6:45). If you want to test Webex ahead of time, contact Alice B ([email protected] or text).


Note: People have been experiencing internet slowdowns due to extraordinarily high usage lately. We hope that this “meeting” will be seamless, but if Chrissy “freezes”, you should still be able to hear her. No excuses for not doing the workout!  


Or join by phone (no video) +1-408-525-6800 If you know your computer can’t handle a web meeting, you can always call in and listen to Chrissy when she tells you to give her 10, and to your teammates when they groan and give her 20.

Meeting number (access code): 205 286 025

Meeting password: cmPcvjGP223

If you choose this option, you will hear everyone talking in the meeting but not their video or content that they’re sharing.


“If anyone knows about dealing with the unexpected it is us! Let’s keep working out to stay fit and healthy and let’s keep communicating. We are a team on and off the water. And we plan to be on the water again at some point this summer, so let’s be ready to go. Lots of resources are on our website.”  – WW President Kathleen Schnaidt




PDFs not required. BYOB.

Thank you, Dejan!