Paddling season is over, but our coaches have plans to keep us strong!

Our Favorite Coaches are working on a fantastic plan for us this off-season. This is a program to be embraced, not feared! As a team, we’ve made amazing progress over the last few years. Working together in the off-season allows us to strengthen our skills as paddlers and as a team.


The goal is for each of us to record some percentage of improvement during the winter months. All WWs are invited and encouraged to participate to the best of their ability. If you ever have any restrictions or concerns, email the coaches at [email protected] to discuss modifications. Don’t do things you shouldn’t do.


The main focus this winter will be – paddle ergs! We’ll have 3 paddle erg time trials during the off-season (October, January and late April/early May). These trials will be pretty straightforward – see how many meters you can paddle during a timed 2:45 minute piece. In addition to the 3 time trials, the coaches will be posting monthly paddle erg workouts. Erg trials and workouts will be required for Thunder boat paddlers, and highly encouraged (but optional) for all WW paddlers.


You’re already thinking to yourselves…but I don’t have access to a paddle erg. Well, the paddle erg owners amongst us have agreed to host monthly “paddle erg happy hours” at their homes, conveniently located in Boxbough, Dedham, Dorchester, Hull, Reading, and Waltham! We’ll be posting dates/times that these ergs will be available for team use.


A new addition this year is monthly group strength training sessions in Waltham! Anticipated cost will be $15/person. Once the dates have been confirmed, they will be added to TeamSnap.