
I became involved with the Wellness Warriors when it was still a fledgling organization. It has been a remarkable experience to watch the Wellness Warriors evolve into the amazing entity it is today.


I was recovering from the cumulative effects of chemotherapy and multiple surgeries when I had the good fortune to meet Erica Bernstein, who first introduced me to dragon boating. Paddling with other survivors on the beautiful Charles River with the Boston skyline in the background became integral to my healing process. The sport is physically challenging yet accessible for all ability levels, and the camaraderie it inspires is second to none.


There are many things I love about the Wellness Warriors, one being the enduring friendships that result from paddling as a team. The Wellness Warriors is the perfect antidote to the cancer diagnosis club from hell, and the compassion paddlers show each other is so inspirational. I am particularly impressed with the programming options that have been incorporated, including training regiments, competitive racing, and programs for novice paddlers. This structure works perfectly for me; I can tailor my paddling season for recreational or competitive purposes.


The Wellness Warriors always welcomes me back with open arms, regardless of how often I paddle or how competitively. I will always cherish the memories and friendships I have from being part of the Wellness Warriors.


The Wellness Warriors demonstrate courage and dignity as they battle and/or recover from the debilitating effects of cancer, and I am honored to be part of this group.