
I joined Wellness Warriors in 2010. I was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2005 and had recurrence in 2007. I saw a tiny notice in my local newspaper about a paddling group for cancer survivors. While I was not a complete couch potato having done aerobics and Pilates for years I was far from an athlete. Something about exercising with other cancer survivors appealed to me so going out of my comfort zone I went to the training. I met coach Peter and other paddlers at the local YMCA and learned a little about dragon boating, a sport I had never heard of. A few months later I nervously went to my first practice. I loved being out on the water and being around the other paddlers who were so friendly and supportive.


I am a nurse and frequently paddle after a very hard stressful day at work. I find paddling, while physically challenging at times, mentally very relaxing.


When I was going through treatment I thought of joining a support group but didn’t like the idea of sitting around and talking about potentially negative things. I found my group with Wellness Warriors. We all have our down moments, but I believe my teammates aren’t the type to sit home and say “poor me”. We are all out there focusing on the positive. It’s a great group of people, very inclusive. From young strong athletic people to older ones with physical limitations, men and women, some still in treatment, others like me several years “out”. I am so grateful to belong to Wellness Warriors